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Patbo your co-pilot April 22, 2009
So  TIMBO,  there I was, heading back to Texas after saying our goodbyes.  Flying somewhere over the nNevada desert and while sitting alone near the window I spied the most amazing clouds I have ever ever seen.  Puffy, billowy, creeping up and there in the middle was this cloud, AWESOME, STRANGE, UNIQUE..... Bursting out of the middle of miles and miles of came out of nowhere, like a cosmic explosion,  and then at the top it went a table....I took picture after picture from all angles......Honestly I half expected to see you flying by , arms outstretched, or you sitting crosslegged as you sat on the beach in santa Barbara...playing your wooden flute....laughing at me and my questions............... Tim I cryed for you that I smile when I think ofall the fun conversations we you laughed at my 'knowledge of MIDI" yet stared astonished at my playing adn ease of creation.    TIMBO,  I am learning to fly alone......I miss you ...I love you.
The Big Mountain very sad April 14, 2009
You where a great person and a great sound designer. Rest in Peace
Tim Wilson A sad loss April 11, 2009

Like many here I came to know Tim through music. I was a member of his friendly atari yahoogroup. He moderated the group with a gentle sense of humour and generosity of spirit rarely matched, and became the hub of a happy community. His love of algorithmic music and left field creations demonstrated a playful joyfulness and open minded attitude to music. He was knowledgeable, diplomatric, patient and helpful; attributes which paid dividends as he achieved well deserved success and esteem in product develpment and sound design.


The sadness of his loss is matched only by his generosity of spirit.

Steve Mueske I will miss him. April 10, 2009

I'm shocked to hear of this.  I've only known Tim for a few years, and that was mostly through correspondence, but he's always been a great guy to me.  I've been in awe of the depth of his talent and how ubiquitous his sound design work is across so many companies, genres, and products.


I will truly miss him as a true source of inspiration.

Chuck Pedersen (Florida, USA) We will miss you Tim April 10, 2009

I did not know Tim, but his work has touched me in so many ways and found in places I would have not realized. When I finally heard the news today I was deeply saddened, and a tear fell. How quickly time slips away from us, and how precious life is. Tim accomplished so much, and realized his dreams for creating awesome music, soundscapes, and touching people’s hearts and souls.  Tim and his work will always be a part of me and my music, and I am sure his work will continue to be an inspiration. God surely has a place for you in his home. I can only imagine the things you will be able to do in the company of Angels. Prayers from our family to yours. We will all miss you greatly Tim.

Buzztler (Germany) ... what a loss ... April 1, 2009
Heard about this fact today and didn't believe it at first ... what a loss to the community ... best wishes to his family ...
Duncan Glasson True gent April 1, 2009
I only heard today of Tim's sad passing, I send sincere condolences to his family at this difficult time.

Tim gave a corner shop level of support we rarely see in the 21st Century. His kind, patient and courteous manner shone through in all contact I had with him. I'm sure he was that same guy at home.

Nice guy.

Terry Huud in memory of Tim April 1, 2009
Well-this is difficult. Tim and I became friends a few years ago. I was always inspired by his words - his sounds and mostly - just himself. He had this great personality that inspired others. I honestly dont know how he accomplished everything he did. I honestly dont know. He invited me into the Camel Audio world quite a while ago and the Camel world was a good place for him filled with good people. I'm really going to miss him. A lot. Some of the best times I will always remember :at the NAMM shows and just freaking awesome phone conversations we had regarding synthesis and Ataris, Robert Fripp and all that good stuff. Something my mom said to me when my dad passed away quite young.. "now we have to live the rest of OUR lives without him". Thats hard. --Terry Michael Huud
Guy Allison Goodbye, for now... March 30, 2009
I only had the opportunity to know Tim in the last couple of years. He impressed me as a thoughtful, kind, talented man and, not so surprisingly, a very creative musician. I only got to meet him in person once but that was sufficient to know how brilliant this man was. Tim, you will certainly be missed by this world. My deepest sympathies to his family.
Deborah Garrard beloved father of our friend, Christina March 30, 2009

While we never met Tim Gerard Conrardy, we appreciate this website for the opportunity it gives to share a glimpse of his musical talents, depth and gifts to the world.  One of his most precious gifts is our friend, Christina, his daughter.  We are thankful for her move to Atlanta, far from family but now a member of our faith family at First Baptist Church, Decatur, GA.  Christina is a light, and we are grateful for the Light and comfort of Christ in her life, especially at this time as she grieves the absence of her father from the physical world.  To Christina and her mother, we offer our continued prayers for comfort and strength.  When we think of Tim, we think of him hiking to a new height and touching the face of God.  For you and your family as you walk through this 'valley of the shadow of death,' we emphasize 'walk through' . . . .  It is a journey, and you are not alone.  As Spring arrives reminding us of the circle of life, we rejoice with you in the gift of your father and the promise of Hope given by our heavenly Father and found in our shared faith.  Be well & well-blessed, Christina.  We love you.

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