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Don (don1thedon) RIP March 6, 2009

Heartfelt wishes to Tim's family.

His name is synonymous with quality and his legacy will bring light to thousands for years to come.

Thank you Tim.

François Rossi Les meilleurs partent en premier March 6, 2009
In French, they say "the best ones always leave first" to mourn the passing of somebody going in his prime. It is what came to mind when learning Tim was no longer with us. He was a real gentleman and will be missed.

My condoleances to his family and friends.

Scott Lake Playing real harps now March 6, 2009
Tim is now playing harps of lightest gold strung with gossamer strings.  I believe he's enjoying music only he could imagine that this mortal world didn't yet have the instruments to play.  Each and every time I will use Cygnus, I'll be thinking of him.  Tim, thanks for all the help along the way.  I can't wait to hear what you've come up with in the time until I join you.
Alexandre Falcao (Alexfalcao) Other Dimension March 6, 2009

I knew Tim from the KVR forum, where he was always prompt to help anyone who needed guidance, He was a Real Gentleman.

Tim's Sound Deign is an inspiration for me, the ability he had to craftt sounds is a reflection of his High Spiritual Level. Spaceman is a self tittle well deserved and in the Other Dimension He will keep making his beautiful sounds next to the Angels. His body is gone but he spirit will alway be among us.


Betsey Walters such sad news March 5, 2009
Tim was a colleague of mine at Hadco in 1999.  He was a terrific person who made a huge impression on me.  Although we did not keep in touch over the years, I will never forget his warmth and genuine kindness.  He was a special person who truly made his mark on the world.  I am honored to have a Bible with an inscription that he presented to me.
Joseph Pyne vespers March 5, 2009

Tim's work with soft-synths and electronic music tools were a direct influence and motivation for me to move into the world of computer-based music...he was a pioneer and one of the originals, and I thank him for this. He had a hand in enriching peoples' lives in more ways than he may have ever dreamed of.


I hope his family and loved ones find some comfort in knowing he was an inspiration to so many, and respected by us all.


He was, and will continue to be, a legend...

Eric Heim Master Scheduler March 5, 2009
I met Tim while working in Silicon Valley. He sat directly across from me at Hadco Corporation, and we spent a lot of time talking about life, music, work, and anything else we could find to discuss. We became good friends and for Christmas 1998 he made me a homemade Christmas tape that to this day I play every year! He was a truly super person who livened up those around him, and he will be missed. Truly gone too early!
Chris Bader mellotronaut March 5, 2009

i'm just another synth-guy from kvr, who had some email-and pm exchange with Tim. He was always quite nice and helpful. I used his crystal-sounds, before i knew, who he was and i have a lot of songs (some for the monthly kvr-contest) done with his wonderful presets involved. Moreover i began to do my own sounds after having tried his. There was and is a lot to learn from.

Thank you very much for everything and especially for the good spirit, Tim!




Chris aka mello

Kevin Deas Karma_tba March 5, 2009
Although I never had any direct contact with Tim, I was still the benefactor of his work and wisdom.May his family and friends celebrate his life as well as mourn his passing.It's said that you live as long as your name is spoken, Tim has left a legacy of work that will keep a part of him alive forever.
Ian Webster (Krakli) Tim will be surely missed March 5, 2009

I only knew Tim through the world of virtual plugins but I was truly devastated to hear the news that he had passed on. It was my great pleasure to work with him on a few projects and I regret the chance to not be able to work with him again.


My commiserations go out to his family and those close to him.


Thankfully his work work in the area of music, synth and patch design will live on and give pleasure to many for years to come.

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