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ph0t0ne deepest sadness March 3, 2009
you will live forever in our hearts.

Rest In Peace Tim

Rob Papen We lost an icon. March 3, 2009

We lost a great sound designer but most of all a precious soul ... a great guy

Jimmy Hotz What a precious soul Tim was and still is ! ! ! March 3, 2009
What a precious soul Tim was and still is ! ! !

I was so saddened by the news of his passing, yet I trust God in His timing.

In this world, in this Time, I have lost someone who was a great champion for myself and many others in our creative efforts. Tim brought  a light of encouragement many times over the years.

He will be sorely missed, but all of his creative efforts shall live on and his soul will continue on new and greater adventures in God's eternity.

Yet, I know that all of Tim's friends and family will miss him dearly.......

May God comfort you all through this time, but let us always remember fondly how richly God used Tim to touch all of our lives in such a positive way.

Tim fulfilled in so many ways that wonderful quality that Jesus spoke of when he said "He that would be the greatest amongst you must be the servant of all."  For Tim tirelessly and in a most positive way, served so many in ways they may not fully appreciate for years. //

May God eternally bless you Tim!       Onward my friend!
Eddie Bazil A light has gone out March 3, 2009
Tim was one of the most decent and renowned sound designers I have every had the good fortune to know.
His selfless contributions to the sound design industry was unparallelled and he was always the first to help and advise.

A highly talented sound designer and a wonderful human being.

A tragic loss.

I wish to extend all our sympathies and condolences to his wife Diane and his family.
Yoram Ariel So sad March 3, 2009
Condolences to the family. Tim left an empty space in our hearts that no one can fill.
Timothy Kelly MidiVox March 3, 2009
I knew my fellow Tim for 20 years. We only met in person a couple of times but have been online buds for years. Hanging out in some of the same forums and online groups, keeping in touch via emails and IMs. Tim was a great guy and he loved music and sound. I will miss him
May the blessing be
As SOUL, Tim will always be with those he loved. There is no death as far as Love is concerned.
glokraw Unforgettable March 3, 2009
Typical of Tims generosity, and desire to make life excellent, he gave me his Algomusic synths knowing it would be a week before he would receive payment, so I could enjoy them over the weekend! Such is the wonderful memory and legacy he leaves with us, and he is a true friend to find in Heaven. Music will be inspired by the many gifts he shared, and the best is yet to come. God bless his family, and friends.
Karmacomposer He will be missed March 2, 2009

Tim Conrardy was a true legend in the virtual instrument genre.  His talent and preset designing genius was the first glimpse into the vast world of virtual instruments and my introduction to KVR.  Tim quickly became someone I looked up to and aspired to learn from.  His virtual instrument, the M42 was the first VI I ever purchased and I was hooked.  Eventually, I offered my services as a graphic designer and composer to Tim and his associates.  We started talking via PMs and on his Yahoo group.  I found out that I actually had met him over a decade earlier at a Atari ST convention and that our paths had crossed on many occasions in the past.  We conversed here and there right up to the last weeks of his life.


My heart reaches out to his family and friends.  You have lost something extra special and Tim will be missed.


Rest in peace my friend.

Marc Hoppe (Teksonik) A great talent and a great person March 2, 2009
I am saddened beyond words at the passing of Tim. We never met in person but I had the extreme honor and privilege of working with him along with Frank Genus in T3. Tim was a brilliant artist and an inspiration to all. He will be missed on both a personal and professional level. My deepest sympathies to his family. 
larrikin From the hart March 2, 2009

Tim, thank you for all the wonderful moments of joy we all experienced whilst putting your creations to work.

For all the future moments of joy and inspiration we all going to experience.

Tim made sure he’ll never be forgotten by using ‘love’ as one of his special ingredients.


Tim lives through all of us.

Keep spreading the love !

My sincere condolences go out to Tim’s family and friends.


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