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This memorial was created to remember Tim Conrardy who was born on March 25, 1957 and passed away on February 28, 2009.  He touched many people's lives, particularly with his music and sounds.  He was a resident of northern California for the last 30 years, but through the internet he had an impact far beyond that area.  His online presence at Tim's Atari Midi World has many examples of his music and helpful articles, and his large collection of sounds reflects his extreme talent and will continue to be a well-used resource for musicians.  When his passing was announced on it generated 22 pages of condolences and thoughts from around the world within less than a day, including numerous mentions of his unfailing cheerfulness and helpfulness.  There are additional postings and threads here and here, with songs written and software released in his memory.  His recent co-workers created a summary of his sound-designing career..   If Tim touched your life, please share your thoughts here by leaving candles, condolences, and memories.





Latest Condolences
Francesco Thanks a lot. June 25, 2023
Years passed and finally I found out the place to leave a thought of gratitude and my appreciation for Your person and work You gave us for free.
Never forgotten, thanks from Italy,Francesco.
Pat McDowell Missing you and laughing with you December 5, 2019
Hey Timbo,

I was home 2 weeks ago,  stopped and spent time at my Mothers Grave site (she love you so) and then popped across the lawn, and sat with you.  I cleaned up around your headstone and remembered so many fun times we shared together.  THe onw that made me laugh out loud was when I wne tot visit you adn Diane in your apartment in Palo Alto, and when I got there you were both scurrying around trying to catch the little mice that had gotten loose in your apartment.   What a hoot.....    Miss you everyday, still working on my music and I love you.  

Patbo- out 
craig Conrardy Tim's Brother February 28, 2019
I miss you Tim every day .  Your music continues to live in me .  I cant believe it has been 10 years .
Nice Man I remember his music May 4, 2017
Tim Conrardy atari page full backup in Web 1.0 Archive:
Belarus remember you, Tim.
Tom Vandermarliere red shift July 12, 2016
Having been an electronical music producer for a while,
I got into contact with Tim by chance around 2007 or 2008,
when Camel Audio (god I loved that company) still existed, and Tim was doing the customer support for them.
He was such a sweet guy, and a total charm to dea with.
So I found it such a shame when I heard about his sudden passing in 2009.

7 years later, I'm looking for a proper sub preset for the track I'm currently working on,
and browsing through the presets of FM8, I happen to stumble upon a patch called "Red Shift",
which happens to be the title of one of the very best tracks ever made by Speedy J, an infamous techno producer,
who also made a bunch of patches for FM7 and/or FM8, if I recall correctly.
And yeah, sure enough, turn on the arpeggiator, delete most part of the notes,
and you have the basics for the track.
Obviously Jochem Paap (Speedy J)'s massive production skills turned this sound into a beautiful track that's slowly becoming a classic in the techno scene, but nonetheless, I was really thrilled to discover this sound was made by Tim Conrardy.

I have lost my favourite sister to cancer 5 years ago, when she was only 37, and because both of us were the only creative ones in our family and she was the kindest person you could imagine, I miss her every day.
I wish more people would post some of their memories of Tim on this site.
If anything, Tim made sounds that are still being used by musicians to this day and will no doubt be continued to get used in the future. My sister made paintings, so yeah... Not a lot of chance of people still using her work nowadays. But such is life, I guess. :) 
Nonetheless, I would like to thank Tim Conrardy for the work he has done for the synth community, and for the wonderful kindly natured person he has been all those years...
May there be many others remembering him, and using his sounds in the years yet to come :)
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