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iain m very sad news March 4, 2009
I knew and enjoyed Tim's creative and inspirational work through his sound design for several synths, which was always fascinating and atmospheric.

He was tirelessly helpful, friendly and polite when helping with any questions and responding to feedback.

His death is a great loss to the musical community.

My condolences to all Tim's family, friends, and colleagues.
John Burdick Terrible news March 3, 2009
I am so sorry to hear this. I did not know Tim beyond one email exhange once regarding a Camel Audio product, and am little more than a lurker in the softsynth world, but the guy just stood out--from the first time I heard his banks for Crystal. If there's ever anyone who blurred the line between sound design and micro-composition, it was Tim. His sounds weren't sounds--they were music.

I remember reading up on Tim a bit, just because I was so taken with his talent, and he just seemed like such a decent, positive, vibrant guy.

I send my heartfelt condolences to his family, friends, and those who worked with him closely in the synth world. This is a big loss, which means that his life was a big gift.
bigtone sounddesign the best ones have to leave earliest it seems ... March 3, 2009
i was/am deeply shocked, i couldn`t believe it when i read it ... i just recently had email contact with him ... well, all words surely can`t help to get over this loss that his friends and his family experience by him beeing gone now ... allthough i never met him in real life, he was always so kind, simply one of these rare, loveley persons you don`t really get to know in life ... may his positive energy live on in us all ...
my condulences go out to his wife, family and friends, how hard must this be for them ... the world truely lost an inspiring person ...
tim, wherever you are now, you`ll never really die .... you just left too much to us, nobody can take away memories ...
i have no doubt whatsoever that you are able to enjoy the place you`re at now, as you simply earned it.
rest in peace, god bless you, your wife and your family ...
may god elide more of such sad experiences for his family.

my thoughts are with you. thank you that you we`re there.

brok landers, bigtone sounddesign
Terri Conrardy Farewell to a "Gentle Giant" March 3, 2009
Tim was a "gentle giant", meaning that he was tenderhearted and served others in a "giant" and big way.  He was unassuming and humble of heart, and very gifted.  He used his gifts well! Farewell, Tim, we will see you in heaven!
Jean-Marie Cannie CEO, Image-Line Software March 3, 2009
We have worked with Tim since the end of 2003 and we met him personally when he visited
our booth at the NAMM trade show in Anaheim. He later mailed us :

"At least I got to see you guys and shake Bob Moogs hand!"

He was a great sound designer who did sound design for most of our synths (except for
Morphine that he didn't want to touch out of loyalty for Camel Audio who also has an
additive synth he worked on).

He was a very warm personality and and will be missed in the small sound design community we have here.

We would like to pass our deepest condolences to his wife and family.
Damion ( FatRakoon ) Jones He will be missed March 3, 2009
I have never met Tim, but I have had many chats over the forums, messaging etc

There are a few people you get to know over the internet over the years, and there are a few that you like, and there are a very few that you genuinely admire and love as good people.

Tim was one of those people.

My heart goes out to his family.

A hole has appeared in our lives that will never be filled again.

Ronald J. Hall DarkForce! BBS SysOp March 3, 2009
 There are old Atarians, and there are bold Atarians...

                            But there are few old and bold Atarians...

                                                            Another great one gone...
Tux (Fine Balance recordings) A sad loss to the online community March 3, 2009
People often speak highly of those who have recently passed, but Tim really did have the respect of everyone who knew him both personally and on the forums. I don't know of anyone who didn't like this great gentle-man. He really will be missed by all who knew him both personally and virtually.

Yves Cooreman Goodbye Tim March 3, 2009
My condolences go out to Tim's loved ones. I think it's clear by the reactions from his family and friends that Tim's life was a full and a meaningful one that touched many people around him. I hope that will be of some comfort to his dearest.
Martin Walker His Music Lives On March 3, 2009
Tim was one of the most enthusiastic and talented musicians I've known, yet always remained modest about his many achievements. With his sound designer's hat on he helped countless developers, musicians, and friends, as well as a host of complete strangers that he 'met' on various Internet forums, and was an 'all round nice guy'.

I shall miss him greatly, but he's left a huge legacy of music and sounds that will live on for ever!

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