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Pat McDowell Just a beautiful memory visiting you.... November 17, 2024
My dear sweet Timbo, I visited you and my parents resting place a few months ago.  It was such the perfect bay area day, crisp air, blue skies, slight breeze, quiet.  As I sat there, I watched 2 hawks soaring over the hill behind me, exactly where we used to hike on breaks from De Anza, you know the spot where we would park by the old Monastary, walk the trail past the farm, past the deer, and we would sit overlooking the valley.  
I an convinced these must have been the same hawks that as you sat playing your flute atop Fremont Peak... they soared free overhead.  I say this because I was playing some of YOUR music and the just popped in.

I still hear your warm and innocent laugh when I am composing and totally screw up.  I think of you when Sharon and I took you to Carl's Jr.  for your first time ( sorry Diane, it was Sharons idea).   Oh how I wish you could just magically appear our here on my ranch near Dripping Springs TX-  We could watch the dozens of deer feeding under the oaks, and watch their ears twitch to our music and just sit on the back porch and talk about our lifes.

Diane and Christina are doing well, but like the hundreds who's lives you touched... we miss you and will always appreciate your gentleness with love.

~ Patbo out  for now ~
Zayne Changed my life July 3, 2022
dear Tim Conrardy, your synthesizers began a huge inspiration for me in sound design and i have been chasing my dreams. I really appreciate everything you have done. I really wish i was able to talk to you. I am very grateful for you and everything you have given to the world. Thank you - Z
Andy in Italy ...just thanks June 20, 2014
Due to work and child I gave up on music for a long while.
Now everything is dusted off, I went through updating everything and - of course - came across Tim (again).
I really am sad I didn't know he had passed away, but I thank him for so much inspiration - then, and especially now.


 Wow... I was on the Camel Audio site just surfing around... like Tim, and the rest of us that love sound, I'm always visiting sites to see what's new. I was totally stunned when I learned that Tim had passed away... and a couple of years ago at that.

I have never been "famous"... though I've worked with plenty of famous people... I've just been a guy that's been lucky enough to work on music my entire life... but Tim treated me like a VIP... no matter how many times I asked the same question a different way.

It's been a long time since I corresponded with Tim, but I can say without reservation that Tim is one of the people that took time to respond to my zillions of questions when I was a newbie in digital audio many years ago. Thank you, Tim... you answered questions and helped me continue to be curious. Curiosity... that's so important. Whoever you are, reading this, be curious... stay curious... about how you can improve the way you love others...

I'm listening to Tim's "Beautiful Galaxy" with tears in my eyes.

To Tim's family... I don't know you, but God's mightiest and richest blessings on you... on all of us.


Jim Klonarides
I was the drummer in Tim's band that won the battle of the bands in high school.  We were friends from the time he moved to McLean, VA until he moved to the west coast. I enjoyed playing music with Tim and we had a lot of fun.  Through the advent of the internet we had emailed and talked to each other for a brief time in 2008.  I'm truly sorry that I was not able to spend more time talking with Tim.  My thoughts and prayers go out to Tim's family.  Tim was for sure a great musical mind!  Rest in peace my friend.
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